Monday, October 17, 2011



Planet order: 7th from the Sun.
Distance from the Sun: 2,871 million km.
Mass: 8.683x 1025
Diameter: 51,118 km.
Rotation: 17 hours 14 minutes 24 seconds.  
 Revolution: 84 years.
# of Moons: 27    
Uranus is Jovian planet.

The atmosphere of Uranus composed of 83% hydrogen, 15% helium, and 2% methane. Uranus has a lot of ice. The temperature of Uranus is -224.

The mist of distinctive feature of Uranus is its unusual orientation.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project


1) What effect does water temperature have on the creation a hurricane?
The warm temperature of the ocean water is one of the hurricane's causses that makes the hurricane begin and become stronger.

2) Why would be more damage to an area during high tide?
In the area of the high tide wil be more damage the destruction of buildings, roads, the ground will become much softer.

3) If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?
If an area is saturated and the hurricane hits it then its will be a flooding because an area has a lot of water.

4) Why would there be more flooding if the ground was fully saturated?
Because when the hurricane  hits the ground the water moves.


1) What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?
I liked when I should type the essay about my topic.

2) What was difficult for you on this project?
The difficult thing on this project was when I tried to find the right  information.

3) What would you change about your work on this project?
I don't want to change anything.

4) How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
I learned about how the Hurricane happen, what are its causses. How it effects on us.